We Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good!

Generous Partners,

What an exciting time to be a part of Give Amore! Just as we started to think we’ve been buried, we start to see some light peeking through and we know that we’ve been planted! Life and all that goes with it runs through seasons. Good times. Hard times. Stormy seasons. Drought. And with the almost 10 years under Give Amore’s belt, we are no exception!

 I remind myself often that what I look for I will find. We can build whatever evidence we need to create a narrative to tell justify our feelings. And, frankly, I’ve done a lot of that in 2024. Possibly because I’ve had time to as so much seemed to come to a halt or a major slow down this year. But, I’ve focused on staying in action-prayer and time reading God’s word and staying plugged into people that remind me how big God is!

So I want to share with you and focus on the fact that we’re still here! God is still at work! We received our largest, single donation in the history of Give Amore recently and we’ve completed 44 wells with #45 funded! Our children are getting educated, we’ve graduated dozens of students from high school, our sewing school and our computer training classes! We ARE making a difference and God is providing! He’s not done with us yet! He’s met our needs and He will do it again!

We couldn’t do what we’re doing without the generous support of our amazing partners! THANK YOU! If God is stirring on your heart to test your faith by supporting us (new or increased), I want to encourage you to follow that! No one has ever become poor by giving! And true faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance of things not seen! Hebrews 11:1. Try it. Watch what God does! I promise you will be blown away at how God will provide for you when you help provide for His children.


We have a goal of an additional $5000 General Fund donations by 12/15 so we can provide a Christmas meal and school supplies for our children. We also need at least $3000 in monthly recurring donations to keep up with our current commitments due to inflation and attrition of donors. Would you prayerfully consider joining us on this mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters across the globe? www.giveamore.org to make a tax deductible donation.

We wait with expectation!

In Gratitude and Thanksgiving to our Generous Partners,

Christa Horst

Give Amore Founding Director