
School Fundraising

Want to empower your students to realize they can change the world? Students can be part of something bigger than themselves. Join us in our fundraising efforts and help us change the world. Together we can teach children that they are powerful! With your help Give Amore provides:

  • Clean water

  • Education for orphans

  • Adult job skills 

  • Jigger Treatment and prevention


Give Amore loves to see how creative teachers can be! We love to see what fun things people do for fundraisers… You can link your curriculum to raising awareness and empowering children! here are a few ideas that other teachers have done:

Coins for Kenya- Lesson on capacity (gallon jug), money lesson (counting coins) - collect coins and each day or week count coins and put into one dollar baggies, then five dollar baggies, etc. Once finished counting into baggies, count total amounts using expo markers on desks. Students can make marketing signs. This group was a 2nd grade group that raised over $500 in coins.

We are not affiliated with any of these links for lessons. We just thought these would be good resources. Share any others that you find with us and we’d love to include them! Please share any fundraising you do with your school as we’d love to include on our site!

Social Studies:


  • Weather Journal comparing Kenya vs your city, state

  • Incorporate Water Cycle Lessons


Suggested Read Aloud Books:

Mama Panya’s Pancakes by Mary and Rich Chamberlin

The Water Princess by Susan Verde

Wangari’s Trees of Peace

Marvelous Mud House (Christian Book)

The Boy Who Harvested the Wind

The Long Walk to Water (4th grade plus)

She Persisted. 

An afterschool Garden Club Group raised money by selling “Herbs for Kenya” and also created a T-shirt that connected Give Amore and their School Garden. The garden club raised $354 in herb and tshirt sales!


School Fundraising

Want to empower your students to realize they can change the world? Students can be part of something bigger than themselves. Children love to help change the world! We have various programs that we’d love your fundraising efforts to go towards! To get started, , start raising $$, then indicate which program you are wanting your programs donations to go toward.

  • Clean water - Raise $2500 and we will create a well in your schools name!

  • Education for orphans

  • Adult job skills 

  • Jigger Treatment and prevention

Start a Project Based Learning Unit - Design an event to raise money for a cause

  • Choose your cause (from list above), decide on your essential question

  • Choose books, sites that would assist in your research

  • Instruct students to take notes as they read as part of their research, incorporate ideas above into learning about Africa, needs in Africa, etc.

  • Presentation ideas: create advertisements to promote their cause, write persuasive writing piece - what makes this cause so important that people should donate to it, act out interview segment, narrative writing - write a fictional story about someone positively impacted by your fundraiser, create a product that could have a lasting impact (example: new shoe that could be easily made in Africa to prevent jiggers), write a children’s book and have it published that describes a families life and how it changes when a well is installed - as authors, students will develop characters, settings, and plots.