Give Amore is located in a small community in Western Kenya with little industry other than sugar cane. The average adult earns just over $1 per day and most in the area eat only one meal per day. Most children do not own shoes and nearly everyone lives in mud huts without electricity or any running water having to travel sometimes three to four miles round trip to the nearest creek/stream to retrieve water that is not only dirty, but often contaminated. Unclean water is responsible for diseases such as cholera, guinea worm, typhoid, intestinal worms and more. The leading cause of death among children in Western Kenya is malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia.
Amore Ministries has 3 focuses-clean water, education for orphans and job skills for adults.
By providing clean water, there will be less illness.
By providing education for orphans, there will be hope for a better future for generations to come.
By providing job skills for adults, you empower them to provide a bright future for themselves and their family.
By providing medical attention, we can help to cure jiggers, a common problem in Kenya.
Christa Horst, Founding Director, President She fell in love with Kenya the first time she went in 2012. She’s been married since 1998 to her husband who is a Retired Major in the US Army. She’s partner in a company, Corporate Concierges Unlimited, since 2005 with an amazing business partner that’s also been her lifelong best friend and she owns a nation-wide health coaching practice. She has 3 beautiful children and recently moved from Central Texas to Northwest Arkansas. She wants to love others as Jesus loves us and strives to be a lighthouse of health and hope to this world.
April Grant, Marketing, Secretary She has a heart for Kenya and loves everything Give Amore represents! She assists with marketing and web design. She’s been married since 2000 to her husband, Deron, who builds homes for a living. April and Deron have 3 amazing sons. She lives in San Marcos, Texas and is a 3rd grade teacher at Jacob’s Well Elementary in Wimberley. She loves to create art and loves to garden!
Henry Anjeje Isaya
Accounting and Finance
Henry is an accountant by profession. Henry is a Christian by faith depending on God for His protection and provision. Henry is married to a wonderful woman of God who is a teacher in a nearby school. He’s father to 5 beautiful children. He wanted to work for Amore Ministry in order to earn a living, use his talents and skills he achieved from different institutions including a free community training program that taught him computer skills and lastly to serve God through ministry. His dreams and goals are to advance higher professionally and financially and be in a position to help the needy in our society.
Paul Mukani
Communications, Media and Photographer
Born in 1991 in Kisumu Kenya, Paul is the only child of two parents who separated when he was two years old. He was raised by his grandparents since it was too expensive for his mother to care for him. Although they did not have much, they fed, clothed, and housed him and most importantly, took him to school up to 12th grade, and he is extremely grateful for their sacrifice. Paul attended a free community computer training program where he excelled in both computers and cameras. He is thankful for the opportunity that was given to him and made the most of it, standing out and receiving notice from Christa years ago as a top student and hard worker. Paul continues to volunteer his time to teach adults computer skills.
Erick Lukandu
Erick was born on 12th November 1988 from a very small district called Matungu in Kakamega county. Erick came from a large family of 10 children and was an orphan at age 10 after losing both his parents. Instead of being placed in an orphanage, he was taken care of by one of his uncles. His uncle’s financial stability was very poor, but he strived to make ends meet and provide education for Erick through 12th grade. Upon graduation, he attended a community outreach computer school and he excelled. He stood out among his peers and years ago Christa noticed him as a top student, a natural leader and a hard worker. He still volunteers his time to teach other adults computer training. Because of the opportunities given to him by his extended family and community programs, he’s an avid supporter of Give Amore’s programs and the need for adult training. He’s recently married and a father to a beautiful son, Christopher James. He assists in all areas of Give Amore’s operations.
Jackson Nerrickson
Born in 1989 in western Kenya in a family of eight, raised by a single mother since when he was 12. He grew up being helped by friends and well-wishers. His childhood created in him a passion for charitable work and working with Give Amore has been a great opportunity for him to give back to the community. He too was a student in a free community computer training program. His hard work, great attitude and heart for Jesus made him stand out and he was hired to work for the organization that had been training him. He met Christa in 2012 and came on board with Give Amore from day one. In addition to his role at Give Amore, he also serves as youth pastor in his local church. Currently, he is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in divinity at St. Paul’s Seminary College and expected to graduate in 2017. "I love doing anything that can change others for better, preaching the gospel, meeting new friends, and playing soccer.” Jack assists in all areas of Give Amore’s operations.
Judith Nanjala
Health and Hygiene Practioner
Judith Nanjala is Give Amore’s Health and Hygiene practitioner and is greatly involved with our sponsored children.
As a wife and mother of two, Judith believes every task comes with a calling attached to it and thus it is her immeasurable dedication to give her very best in all she does.
Being so empathetic and compassionate, Judith hopes to one day become a certified midwife and community health worker to help many women in her community.
She is also into farming and singing.
Winnie Omwaka Okwaro
Sewing Teacher
Winie Omwaka Okwaro is a daughter, Made with Amore assistant teacher and a giver to society. Before earning her niche in Give Amore, she was a sewing student who would go out of her way to do much more than was expected.
Eloquent Winnie is competent and above all confident, traits she hopes to propel her in achieving her dream of becoming a successful fashion business owner.
She loves reading and traveling.
Evans Sakwa
Head Sewing Teacher
Evans is the head teacher of the Made with Amore sewing class.
Humble and soft spoken, his knack for detail and perfection has seen him mentor tens of students who have grown into competent, independent small scale business owners and contributors to society.
Tailoring is at the center of his life and therefore hopes to use his God granted knowledge and skills to become the best tailoring teacher he can ever be.
His other interest is farming.
Brian Mukoya
Information Technology Teacher
Known to many simply as “teach”, Brian Mukoya is Give Amore’s free computer training teacher and a great one at it.
Having mentored hundreds of men and women, Brian draws his daily motivation from the many who come back to thank him for transforming their lives through his skillful guidance in Information Technology.
Aside from teaching, Brian has a strong interest in music and hopes to be a successful singer too someday.