The Story of Hope

Morris proudly showing his new clothes, shoes and newfound hope after healing from a horrific case of jiggers thanks to one of our Give Amore Jigger Clinic.

During our jigger clinic exercise, we received a call of duty that there was a young man called Morris in the neighboring village whose condition was in the worst and needed special attention. Our team quickly moved and located his home. When we reached his home, it was so hard to see his condition. He was bed ridden, he couldn’t move. The jiggers had ravaged the whole of his body and he was in dire pain crying for help. Our team moved quickly and started attending to him.  It took the team several hours treating him and fumigating his house.  When we visited him the following day, though in pain, He was starting to feel better. The victim received new clothes, beddings, footwear, soap and a bible and the team has continued to check on him to monitor his progress, to pray, share the word of God and encourage him. His transformation is great and he can now walk and he is no longer in pain. Thanks to those of you who made this possible. This is a life saved and health restored.

Morris so happy with all his new goodies as we had to massively fumigate his home and burn his bedding/clothes to rid his home of jiggers. Now he has new clothes, bedding, shoes, a bible and more! And he’s healing!!!!