Dearest Partners,
I can’t believe we are celebrating 5 years of Give Amore! 5 years! 20 wells completed, dozens of children graduating from high school, thousands of feet free of jiggers, dozens of men and women providing for their families, roofs replaced, needs met, the love of God shared and HOPE for a brighter future!
What a privilege to be on this journey and to have you all join me. God gave me a vision long ago that He could use me to be the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth. But was I willing to surrender some things to him and trust him? I knew if he gave me the vision then he would make a way. I just had to be willing. I’m in awe to see what He’s accomplished through Give Amore, despite me.
As we were wrapping up 2019 and I was busy mommin’ and getting through the holidays. I was feeling a bit down that I hadn’t done enough to communicate with everyone about what we have done and how to get involved. I felt like I was failing at social media. I felt like I was failing at leading my team as I don’t communicate with them the way I had envisioned I would…you know sending them daily affirmations, prayers, Bible and life lessons. I felt like I was failing at parenting, because 2.5 weeks with everyone is often too much for me (God bless you mamas that can’t stand to be away from your precious littles). Well, I was checking my email when I saw that we had received donations for almost 4 clean water wells in one 12 hour period! WHAT???? That is sooooo God and so how he likes to show up. It was a reminder to me that HE is in control. He doesn’t need me or my social media prowess. He doesn’t need me to do Facebook Lives and speaking engagements and sell tote bags. While all those things are great and they certainly don’t hurt, they are not required for HIM to stir in people’s hearts to support Give Amore! He can do that with or without me! Praise God how I needed that reminder!
So, I come now with abundance and expectation as we embark on our 6th year and we have wells 21-25 fully funded (5 wells for 2020 already!)!!! All of our children are sponsored! We graduated 6 sewing students in December! And lives are being transformed through the love of Jesus Christ in Kenya. Our mission, the vision God gave me, is going strong thanks to you all!
I cannot thank you enough for supporting Give Amore these past 5 years! Being a part of this journey has strengthened my personal relationship with God and gives me such hope for the future of the world for our children. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for 2020 with you all on our side!
God bless,
Christa Horst
Give Amore Founding Director