My Birthday Wish...

Hello Dear Partners,

First off, I hope this overdue newsletter finds you with gratitude in your heart for your provisions and blessings! If you are reading this, God has purpose for you! You have breath in your lungs and your time here to give hope, give joy and to give love is not up!

To say I’ve been through a season is an understatement. It’s been a few years of constant struggles, battling depression, anxiety and discouragement. BUT GOD! I’m still here, I’m still breathing, and I know God will bring beauty from ashes! I hope to be able to share more about my personal struggles at some point but for now, I want to encourage you that even in our darkest days we can still help others! That has been so true for me, and I know it is true for us all!

I’m so thankful that through my hard times I’ve still found purpose and opportunities to make a difference. As I worked on uploading these updates from our team in Kenya to the blog on our website/newsletter, I was once again reminded of all that God can do when we release a little of our time or treasure to Him! WOW! He is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine! And I’m reminded, everything we’ve been able to do for His kingdom through Give Amore came about because I communicated the needs and then let Him do the work in the hearts of others to join us!

 So, once again, just in time for my birthday, I want to share my biggest birthday wish with you! It’s big! But I know God is bigger! My wish is that we can raise up 10 (ten) $100 per month/$1200 per year sponsors AND $1000 of NEW recurring giving per month! That would be $24,000 of annual giving! WHOA! That’s huge and overwhelming! But God!

 So, would you consider helping us spread awareness? Asking your friends and family to join you/us on this mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters across the globe? Share our mission? Consider a tax-deductible gift? A corporate write off? Collaborate with your colleagues for giving? I’m full of ideas and would love to help you brainstorm how you can join us or help us raise funds! I’m also looking for speaking opportunities to tell the stories of those that we’re impacting and be their voice!

 I’m humble enough to know that I cannot do any of these things without HIM. I cannot raise these funds. I cannot make sure you see this and then are called to move on it. It’s all His. I’m just a willing vessel to be bold enough to share with expectancy and learn to wait for Him to make it happen. The past 9+ years of Give Amore are proof of that!

 So with boldness and expectation I present these needs to you beautiful people and wait for God to stir in your heart the desire to join us or expand your mission of support.

 Your Sister in Christ,

Christa Horst

Give Amore Founding Director