Water is life, and without it, there’s no life. And because of your love and generosity, our 45th well is complete and blessed to serve a new community. Hope once lost on lasting solution to water problems by villagers of Emusanda has been rekindled by the sinking of a clean water well.
After drinking from streams and even at times ponds for years, the people of Emusanda village now have a reason to smile and a renewed hope of a better tomorrow free from the problem of constant waterborne diseases and unaffordable medical expenses and even at times, fatalities.
Grateful to this life-changing project are women and children who are always in the frontline in the search of water for domestic consumption daily. Drawing from it for the very first time, this deserving community exuded their immeasurable gratitude in song and dance praising God for this precious gift that will serve them and many more generations to come.
At the time of publishing this newsletter, well number 46 construction is underway in another remote village of Eshisiru and it’s projected to be complete in a fortnight and we are more thankful that you have been a huge blessing in this milestone. Sunk half way through; we are hopeful that it will be of much help just like its predecessors… instilling hope and joy while cultivating communal growth through love.