September 28, 2018 clinic

Give amore and Cornerstone church led a “jigger removal campaign” and held another successful jigger removal clinic in the vast western Kenya region seven days ago. 

Being the second jigger removal clinic to our name, many showed up to get well again, learn the best practices of keeping jiggers away while also being gifted shoes for their feet.

Unlike the premiere clinic, the second clinic covered a larger geographical location hence, hundreds more patients were attended to, tens more homes were fumigated and many more paradigm shifts orchestrated towards what jiggers really are.

Due to lack of formal education, many people in the remote rural areas of western Kenya, perceive jiggers as an impact of a curse tagged to poverty. Hence they live believing that they are being punished in some way unknown to them by an unknown body through these notorious parasites. 

Fortunately, our indulgence in the fight against jiggers has kept a constant yield of awareness and positive paradigm shifts on jiggers, something that promises to spur long-term sustainability of the program in the lives nay communities we reach and touch.